Are you curious about a career as a Fitness Trainer and Instructor in the United States of America? Now you can learn what Fitness Trainers and Instructors do, the work environment, how to become one, salary, and job outlook.
What is a Fitness Trainer?
Fitness trainers are a diverse group of people who have the passion to make a positive impact on the lives of others through their careers in fitness training. The word fitness trainer includes athletic trainers, personal trainers, exercise physiologist, physical therapist, kinesiologists, and other healthcare providers, as well as community-based trainers who work with individuals and groups.
Job Description
As a Fitness Trainer/Instructor, you will teach classes on fitness such as yoga, Pilates, and other forms of exercise, health, and fitness. You will educate individuals on proper form, techniques, and strategies to help them maintain a healthy lifestyle and achieve their fitness goals.
If you are new to the fitness industry and want to find out more about it, this career guide will provide you with an in-depth look into the many different aspects of this field, including the average salary and job outlook.
What Do Fitness Trainers and Instructors Do?
Fitness Trainers and Instructors assist the public in improving their fitness level. They provide personal exercise programs to those who are looking to lose weight, tone their body, or to improve on their current level of fitness.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts that by 2018, employment of fitness trainers and instructors will increase by 16% nationwide. This is because of the increasing numbers of health clubs and gyms, as well as the number of individuals who are looking to improve their physical condition.
To become a fitness trainer and instructor, you must be certified as a personal trainer. Personal training certifications include the following: Personal Trainer Certification (PT): The PT certification is a comprehensive program that trains individuals in all aspects of personal fitness. It includes education on the history of exercise, fitness theory, anatomy and physiology, nutrition, and exercise prescription. The PT certification is the most popular personal trainer certification and is often used as a prerequisite to other personal trainer certifications, such as the Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), or to become a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES). The American Council on Exercise (ACE) provides online courses for personal trainers seeking their ACE personal trainer certification. Yoga Teacher Training (YTT): The YTT certification is the entry-level certification for people who want to teach yoga.
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Hello , hind from Iraq.
Fitness trainer : are a diverse group of people who have the passion to make a positive impact on live of others through their careers in fitness training .
The word fitness trainer includes atheistic trainers , personal trainer, exercise physiologist, physical therapist ,kinesiologies , and other healthcare provider , as well as community , based trainers who work with individuals and group.
Fitness trainers : you will educate individual on proper form techniques , and strategies , to help them maintain a healthy lifestyle and achieved their fitness goals .
Fitness trainer : they provide personal people exercise programs to those who are looking to lose weight tone their body , or to improve on their current level of fitness.
To become fitness trainer and instructor you must be certified as personal training certification as the following ( PT) is comprehension program that trains individuals in all aspects of personal fitness.
It includes education on the history of exercise , fitness theory anatomy and physiology , nutrition and exercise prescription