Are you curious about a career as a janitor and building cleaner in the United States of America? Now you can learn what Janitors and Building Cleaners do, the work environment, how to become one, salary, and job outlook.

Since janitorial services is such a fast growing sector of the economy, we thought this would be an excellent career to look into. This information will help you decide if this is a good fit for you, and whether you should consider applying for a position with this company.

What Is a Janitor?

A janitor cleans and maintains buildings and facilities used by companies, schools, and hospitals. A janitor may also perform other duties including making repairs and maintenance. This type of job is a great way to gain experience while earning a steady salary.

Since janitorial positions can be found in schools, hospitals, businesses, and government offices, there is certainly something for everyone.

What Are Janitorial Positions?

Janitorial jobs are often considered to be the least glamorous of all jobs, but they are an essential part of many aspects of our daily lives. They are responsible for cleaning and maintaining any building or other property that we use on a regular basis. The job of a janitor and building cleaner is not just limited to cleaning, though.

Since this job has a shortage of workers and is expected to grow by 20 percent through 2022, there are many opportunities for janitors and building cleaners. If you want to be successful in the job market and want to change your current job, consider a career as a janitor or building cleaner. What is a Janitor and Building Cleaner? Janitor and building cleaners clean floors, bathrooms, kitchens, lobbies, and other building areas. They also help keep offices and public spaces clean. 

The job duties of a janitor and building cleaner are usually divided between cleaning and maintenance. Janitorial jobs require a lot of physical activity including heavy lifting, scrubbing, mopping, sweeping, vacuuming, and washing. A janitorial job can be a great way to learn new skills and gain experience while earning a decent salary. There is no limit on what type of work you can do as a janitor. The amount of physical labor you will be doing will determine how much pay you get. If you are looking for a job with more responsibility, then consider other janitorial positions such as maintenance man or building manager. 

They are also responsible for making sure that facilities are in good condition. Janitors and building cleaners have to make sure that they are doing their job well in order to earn the trust of their clients and to avoid losing a job. They have to clean every day, but they may also be asked to do other jobs such as making repairs or moving equipment. They can also be called upon to perform any job in a facility that involves cleaning and maintenance. For example, a janitor can be responsible for cleaning the kitchen or the lobby.

How to Become a Janitor and Building Cleaner

Janitors and building cleaners must be trained on the proper way to clean a building. This training may include learning about cleaning products and procedures. They should also learn to clean a facility well so that it is in good condition. Janitors and building cleaners have to be trained in order to do this.

You are strongly encouraged to watch both videos about janitors and building cleaners below, take good notes, and then visit the comments section below and share your thoughts and your knowledge on janitors and building cleaners in the United States of America.

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4 thoughts on “Janitors and Building Cleaners”
  1. Hello , Hind from Iraq , janitor and building cleaners keep many type of building clean , orderly , and in good condition . They work indoors , however some work outdoors part of the time, sweeping walkways, mowing lawns , removing snow. They work indoor evening because office building often are cleaned while they are empty.
    This works sometime dirty and unpleasant.
    They learn on the job formal education not required while median hourly wages was $13. 89% data last.
    This project is slow growth approximately 4 percentage from 2019 to 2020 but it fast off all average occupation

  2. Greetings Maestro Sersea

    Conserjes y limpiadores de edificios

    El conserje y el limpiador de edificios mantienen muchos tipos de edificios limpios, ordenados y en buenas condiciones por dentro.
    Otros trabajan al aire libre barriendo pasillos, lavando ventanas, limpiando vidrios y cortando el césped. Para convertirse en conserje o limpiador de edificios no es necesario tener un nivel educativo, muchos conserjes y limpiadores de edificios aprendieron en la capacitación laboral, usan herramientas como escobas, trapeadores, rastrillos y palas, también pueden usar otras herramientas como soplado de nieve , los pulidores de piso, los conserjes y los limpiadores de edificios pueden hacer reparaciones menores tales como: grifos con fugas, revisar los sistemas de enfriamiento y calefacción para asegurarse de que todo funcione correctamente. Parte de su jornada laboral la pasan caminando de pie, agachados, levantando suministros y equipos pesados. Puede ser doloroso en la espalda, brazos y piernas, muchas veces puede sufrir pequeños cortes, quemaduras y otra lesión. Deben ser lo suficientemente fuertes para levantar recipientes de basura, material de limpieza y otros equipos.
    El salario medio anual es de $ 26.080 y $ 13,98 por hora. Se proyecta que este trabajo crecerá un 6 por ciento más rápido que el promedio de todas las ocupaciones.

  3. The janitors and building cleaners represent a job which, although not requires formal education, minimal skills are necessary to perform well.

    It is not necessarily a simple job. Ocassionally require in-depth knowledge of work tools in order to maintain and repair them. Therefore, minimal training is needed to gain tacit knowledge from a more experienced janitor.

    Furthermore, this type of work can be a great opportunity to immigrants who, although they may have a high level of formal education, need to settle in a new country like the United State.

    There is another very important aspect: janitors and building cleaners can get a certificate. Today this is almost indispensable due to the high and growing levels of insecurity in the world.

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