Steps to Finding a Good Job (Article 2)

Finding a job is hard. This list will help you navigate the process of getting a new position. This is meant as a list of things you can do, not a definitive guide on how to find a job. You should probably also look into online forums, job boards, and recruiters, but these lists are designed to give you some ideas on what to do in the meantime.

STEP 1: Know Your Worth and What You’re Looking For

If you want to get paid well, you need to understand your worth. You should know how much you’re worth, what your market rate is, and what you’re willing to work for. If you don’t know what you’re worth, you’ll never get paid what you deserve.

STEP 2: Research Your Field

Don’t just go for a job in your field. Instead, research the different fields you want to work in. See what they pay, what their hours are, what their benefits are, and so on. For example, if you want to be a software developer, see how much other software developers are making. If you want to be a social media manager, see how much other social media managers are making. This will give you a better idea of what to ask for. You might find that it’s worth working for less money now, because you’re more likely to get a promotion and increase your salary later.

STEP 3: Figure Out Your Skills and Experience

The next step is figuring out your skills and experience. It’s not enough to say you can do anything. Instead, you need to know what you can do. Ask yourself what you have done in the past that demonstrates you’re able to do the job you want. For example, if you want to be a software developer, look at what you’ve worked on in the past. If you’re looking for a job as an accountant, look at your bookkeeping skills. If you want to be a social media manager, look at the platforms you manage or how many followers you have.

STEP 4: Start Networking

Networking is an extremely important part of getting a job. Make sure you’re getting to know people in the field you want to work in. Ask them for recommendations and ask them about their jobs and how they got hired. You can even use LinkedIn to find people you know who can help you.

STEP 5: Build a Good Resume

Your resume should give a good impression of who you are. This means including your skills, experience, and personal information in the right places. You don’t need to include every single thing you’ve ever done, but you do need to make sure that it’s consistent. If you have experience with a lot of different projects, list them all. If you have experience with a lot of different technologies, list them all. Include any relevant education or certifications you have, whether they’re from school or not. Don’t just list your GPA, though.

STEP 6: Keep Your Resume Updated

You should update your resume on a regular basis. If you don’t keep it up to date, people will assume you don’t want to work for them. You can also do this by setting yourself up for future positions. For example, if you want to be a software developer, look at the top 5 companies that hire software developers. See what they pay and how they hire. It can also help to get some professional help to make sure it’s consistent and has all the right information.

STEP 7: Network Often

Once you’ve built your resume, it’s time to start networking. Start with your friends and family. Ask them if they know anyone who needs someone like you. It doesn’t matter if they aren’t hiring now. You’ll learn more about the field you want to work in and how much others are making in the process. Once you’ve gotten some referrals, it’s time to start searching online. Thanks for reading!

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